
Spring Boot: just 4 beans for implementing a default JDBC Authentication with SecurityFilterChain-based Configuration

Spring Boot: just 4 beans for implementing a default JDBC Authentication with SecurityFilterChain-based Configuration

This project is a pure REST API demo, exposing just a couple of protected endpoints. It is based on Java version 17, and the latest releases of Spring Boot 3.2.1 (announced on DECEMBER 19, 2023) and Spring Security 6.2.1 (announced on DECEMBER 21, 2023). It shows the 4 very basic beans required for the default JDBC-based Authentication for implementing a fundamental custom security configuration class based on the SecurityFilterChain. You can use it as a base repo for further customizations.

Spring: Avoid Circular Dependency error of your @Component(s)
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Spring: Avoid Circular Dependency error of your @Component(s)

A case-study using a Custom implementation of the “weird” UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter, as @Component. This is actually the case when an auto-created bean (e.g.: an AuthenticationManager instance in a @Configuration annotated class) is required in a @Component annotated class (e.g.: a custom filter extending the UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter filter), and then, the bean of the @Component custom filter class is required in the @Configuration class.

No other place to go for your properties and values in Spring
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No other place to go for your properties and values in Spring

Spring Boot: @Value, @ConfigurationProperties, Environment API, and other, not-that-easy to be distinguished goodies.

Do you know @Value annotation in Spring/Spring Boot framework? Well, maybe. However, this post aims to be your one-stop shop, when you are wrangling with the mess of externally defined values, for properties and messages. And not only for your bean-managed classes.

Spring Boot Security Configuration, practically explained – Part6: A deep intro to filter/token-based security

Spring Boot Security Configuration, practically explained – Part6: A deep intro to filter/token-based security

A deeper intro about what is behind the scenes of the Spring authentication/authorization process, integrating also concepts like filters, tokens, customizations for an Authentication Manager or an Authentication Provider, and so on.

Spring Boot Security Configuration, practically explained – Part3: LDAP Bind Authentication

Spring Boot Security Configuration, practically explained – Part3: LDAP Bind Authentication

This is the 3rd in a series of posts which focuses on LDAP Authentication, but does not provide any detail on the LDAP itself. Our aim is to demonstrate how you can implement LDAP Authentication with Spring Boot framework, by using either a configurer (via the the ldapAuthentication()) or an authentication provider Bean (the LdapAuthenticationProvider) in a classic Custom Security Configuration class, extending
the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter