MongoDB Atlas Free Shared Database Cluster

Here is a quick intro about using a Free Shared Database Cluster on MongoDB ATLAS cloud platform.
Step-by-step guide
First, you have to register. So, go to the registration page at MongoDB ATLAS and register yourself. You can use any of your Google accounts to speed up the registration process:

Next, you will be guided to create your cloud database by choosing a cloud provider, region and other specs:

For free-to-pay option, select the FREE SHARED deployment of your database:

If you have been register via your Google account, consider to select the Google Cloud provider:

The next step includes the Security Settings. Basically, you should provide your credentials (username and password) as well as the IP, or IPs from which you plan to access the MongoDB cATLAS cloud services platform. If you wish to have access from any IP, you should put the generic access IP into the IP Address field:

The following screen welcomes you after successfully settings, and prompts you to continue going to databases section:

Here we are! You are now in the ATLAS main management screen:

A new cluster named ClusterO has been automatically created. Next, you can find out what is your connection string, so you can use it to connect to your Atlas cluster using the mongosh CLI from your computer:

Next, you can connect to your cluster via mongosh, by also defining a landing database, using the connection string:
~ mongosh "mongodb+srv://" --apiVersion 1 --username user1 --password u1passw1

You can do some operations, e.g. add some new documents.
Then you can access them from your ATLAS management console:

One of the most powerful features I like in MongoDB ATLAS platform, is its possibility to define your own Triggers! Note that the stand-alone MongoDB version does not support yet triggers.

You can add and configure your trigger through ATLAS interactive environment, which also includes a Javascript editor that allows you to write your trigger support function(s). You can read more in the official documentation, here and here.
To continue reading about practical examples of database triggers implementation with MongoDB ATLAS, see this post of mine:
That’s it for now! I hope you enjoyed it!
Thanks for reading and stay tuned!